Health and care professionals working in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes are joining forces to change things for the better. Innovations and new ways of working are helping to enable residents to live longer, healthier lives.

Integrated Care Systems (ICS) mark a new way for NHS organisations, local councils, Healthwatch and voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations to work together. In Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, our ICS is called the Health and Care Partnership and aims to make a positive difference to the 1 million residents who live here. Read more about our Partnership.
We want to show-case real-life examples, through the eyes of local people, where joined-up working has resulted in better outcomes for residents and our healthcare services. We’re calling these Moments that Matter.
Our Health Conversations on… podcast series focuses on the benefits of joined-up working across the ICS and the impact this has on local people and the opportunities it presents for new ways of working for better health outcomes. Listen to our podcasts.
7 August 2023
Bedford charity helps to rebuild lives with grant support
A charity in Bedford is helping to rebuild lives in their local community, thanks to support from a cost of living grant. The King’s Arms Project is a charity in Bedford dedicated to tackling homelessness and social isolation, empowering people […]
3 August 2023
Digital Social Care Record leads to better, safer care for local residents
As part of the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership’s digital transformation agenda, the Digitising Social Care programme is working hard to provide support and funding to enable local care providers to benefit from digital tools and […]
17 July 2023
Cost of Living Grant helping to reduce food poverty in Bedford
A local charity has expanded a service helping to reduce food poverty in Bedford thanks to a cost of living grant. IMPAKT Food is a community larder currently operating out of Priory Methodist Church in Bedford, that helps to reduce […]
23 June 2023
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our local population.
Sam*, from Bedfordshire, was caring for her mum, who had become blind, and her dad, who had been suffering with Tuberculosis. The caring role was leaving Sam very anxious and stressed, particularly because no other family member was able to […]
16 June 2023
500 young people in Bedfordshire benefit from local investment to build key skills
500 young people aged five to 16 years old in Bedfordshire have benefitted from an innovative scheme to help build self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience, communication thanks to a cost-of-living grant. The funding from Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board […]
1 June 2023
Cost of living grant helps to support Bedford families
A Bedford charity has been able to provide practical and emotional support to children and families under stress thanks to a cost of living grant fund. FACES provides support to children and families facing various challenges, including mental and physical […]
27 April 2023
Bowel cancer: early detection saves lives
Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, affecting over 42,000 people every year. Despite its prevalence, there is still a lack of awareness about the disease, with many people failing to recognize the signs or taking […]
31 March 2023
Specialised training under way to support children and young people after suicide bereavement
Training designed to help people feel more confident in supporting children and young people after suicide bereavement is under way across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. The suicide or attempted suicide of a parent or carer can have a devastating […]
24 March 2023
Mentoring support helps young people in Milton Keynes to transform their lives
An innovative programme in Milton Keynes is supporting young people on a journey to a brighter and more hopeful future via tailored mentoring. The programme carefully matches young people with volunteer mentors who act as role models that provide tailored […]
15 March 2023
Tackling depression and obesity with MK Dons
An innovative new scheme to help young people to tackle obesity, depression and social isolation has been launched in Milton Keynes. The innovative partnership between MK Dons Sport and Education Trust (SET), and NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated […]
9 March 2023
Your GP surgery may now help with more than just your medical needs
You may be able get support with more than just your medical needs the next time you visit your GP surgery. That’s because a new team of workers is now available who can help with far more than your immediate […]
24 February 2023
Bedford coffee mornings provide people with health and wellbeing advice
New community coffee mornings are providing people in Bedford with the opportunity to access health and wellbeing advice. Taking place on the first Thursday of every month at Christ the King Church Hall in Bedford, the coffee mornings bring together […]
21 February 2023
Local people benefit from mental health support at Crisis Cafés
People in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes are benefitting from access to mental health crisis support 365 days a year thanks to drop-in Crisis Cafés. Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) funds the Mental Health Crisis […]
25 January 2023
Victor’s diabetes prevention journey in Luton
When Victor was first told he was at high risk and very close to developing Type 2 Diabetes, he was worried and wasn’t sure what steps he needed to take to live a healthier life. Victor was referred to the […]
15 December 2022
Personal health budgets are helping children and young people to have more choice about their healthcare in Luton
S is a young person from Luton with a diagnosis of Autism and Global Development Delay. S also has a problematic sleep pattern. She attends a local Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) school which enables her to […]
AI-powered software transforming stroke care in Milton Keynes.
Software powered by artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming care for stroke patients at Milton Keynes Hospital. The new software is helping to quickly diagnose and treat patients. The software analyses CT (computerised tomography) scans, which are detailed images of the […]
2 December 2022
Supporting wellbeing within the primary care workforce while helping patients to better self-manage their mental health
he ever-increasing pressure on primary care services in England has been well documented in recent times. NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) recognised this issue and wanted a solution that could help to manage the […]
1 December 2022
Bedford NHS staff member who reached out to Keeping Well shares her “life-changing” experience
When an NHS staff member says she was close to resigning due to feeling overwhelmed at work, she reached out in time to the Keeping Well BLMK service. She shares the story: “When I reached out to this service, I was at […]
24 November 2022
Working together for a dementia patient in Leighton Buzzard
“D”, from Leighton Buzzard, suffers with dementia. Enabling her to remain at home was very important. However, her respiratory condition had deteriorated and she was unable to climb the stairs to get to bed. Her main carer, her husband, was […]
18 November 2022
Local Support for Young People with a Neurodiversity Diagnosis
Getting a neurodiversity diagnosis– which can include conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – for your child can leave families with lots of questions, including what they should do next. Families that use […]
17 November 2022
Janeth’s Diabetes Prevention Journey in Luton
When Janeth learned that she was at risk of Type 2 diabetes, she was worried and stressed how this would affect her everyday life. As Type 2 diabetes runs in her family, Janeth wanted to learn everything she needed to […]
10 November 2022
How the Population Health Management approach helped Jane who spent every day in the front room
One of the key reasons I enjoy my role so much is because I get to help people tackle the problems that matter to them. Social prescribers like myself keep a very open mind about anyone who comes to see […]
1 November 2022
Martin, 34 from Bedfordshire, joined the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
The NHS Low Calorie Diet programme is for people who are overweight and living with type 2 diabetes. In the 12 month programme, you will be supported by your own Diabetes Specialist Dietitian and Health Coach to lose weight using […]
28 October 2022
Volunteers on hand at local hospital to offer support and advice
“B” was a young woman who recently attended the emergency department at Milton Keynes University Hospital (MKUH) suffering with mental health issues. Following a discussion, the volunteers discovered that “B” was a single mother living in a flat that had […]
27 October 2022
Local health services working to empower young people with ADHD to be a part of their own treatment.
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Health Services have been working with young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to help them manage their own health and wellbeing. Historically, ADHD treatment has been monitored by the people around young people such […]
Keyworker service is helping to support vulnerable children and young people in Bedfordshire
L is an 18-year-old who was struggling to communicate with autism professionals. She started working with a keyworker, who supported her over a few months. The keyworker service provides the most vulnerable children and young people in Bedfordshire, Luton and […]
Helping Children Living with Epilepsy in Luton
In 2020, the Integrated Patient-Controlled Medical Record pilot was launched in order to improve the outcomes for children living with epilepsy in Luton. Epilepsy is the most common long-term condition of childhood and data has shown that people with epilepsy […]
Felix’s Story – NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme
Felix, from Luton, joined the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme following a referral from his GP due to his type 2 diabetes. He believed that this was his last chance of losing weight and an opportunity to start a new […]
“It’s absolutely brilliant” – new video shows how care home technology is helping staff keep residents safe and well throughout the night.
A powerful story of how technology enabled care supports care home staff to keep residents safe and well at night is the focus of a new video from the National Innovation Collaborative for digital health. The team at Elcombe House […]
30 September 2022
Nassreen’s journey to preventing diabetes in Milton Keynes.
When Nassreen from Milton Keynes was diagnosed as pre-diabetic it came as a shock to her and her family. She had not realised that her diet and lifestyle was impacting her health so negatively. She wanted to find out how […]
23 September 2022
Lung Health Check Programme – Meet Jaqueline from Luton
Jacqueline at 57, has received life changing cancer treatment through the Lung Health Checks programmes. Jacqueline from Luton is a mum of two grown up children and has a grandchild, she wants to tell her story to encourage people who […]