How to get your seasonal COVID-19 booster vaccination
You can get an NHS COVID-19 booster jab only if you meet the eligibility criteria. You or your child may be offered a spring COVID-19 vaccine if you are:
- aged 75 years or over (or will turn 75 by 30 June 2024);
- aged 6 months to 74 years old and have a weakened immune system;
- live in a care home for older adults.
If this applies to you, you can get a vaccination at a location which is convenient for you.
If you’re eligible, you can get a spring COVID-19 vaccine by:
- booking online;
- calling 119, between 8:00am and 8:00pm;
- going to a walk in COVID-19 vaccination site;
- booking on the NHS App;
- talking to a local NHS service, such as a GP surgery;
- talking to your care home.
Bookings for spring COVID-19 vaccine appointments will close after 29 June 2024, and the last date you will be able to have your spring COVID-19 vaccination is 30 June 2024.
We expect that there will be a further COVID-19 booster programme later in the year. If you are eligible for a booster then you will be notified when it is your turn.
Housebound people who need a vaccination
If you are housebound, you may receive a home visit: please contact your family doctor’s surgery to discuss the options open to you. Please make sure you check the identity of anyone you allow into your home. Our NHS workers will be pleased to wait while you confirm their identity.
Vaccination text messages: beware of scams
There are various scam text messages which may ask you to call a premium number or reveal your financial details.

The NHS will NEVER ask you to use a premium rate number, make a payment or ask for your card details.
If you receive a text or email, please report this to or forward texts, for free, to 7726.
Vaccination record queries
Vaccination details should appear in your medical records in GP systems within 48 hours of entry into the point of care system.