Thousands of eligible people who have not yet come forward for COVID-19 vaccinations have been reminded that they have only two weeks left to get their jabs before the offer ends on Friday 30 June.
Those who fall into one of the following groups are eligible for a vaccination before the end of the month:
- People aged 75 and over;
- People aged 5-74 who have a weakened immune system;
- Anyone who lives in a care home for older people.
The most recent monthly figures for Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes show that whilst the majority of care home residents and those aged 75+ have received their Spring COVID-19 vaccination, the uptake has been lower among those who are eligible due to a weakened immune system.
More than 51,000 vaccinations had been given by 31 May, as part of the current offer.
Dr Sanhita Chakrabarti, deputy medical director at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB), said:
“We know that there are still thousands of people out there who are eligible for a Spring vaccination but have not yet come forward.
“Our advice remains the same: getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against serious illness. COVID-19 hasn’t gone away but your protection from previous vaccinations wanes over time, so it’s important to get your jab if you are eligible.
“Being vaccinated can help prevent further disruption to your life this summer, so don’t risk ruining your plans for a holiday or for precious time spent with friends and family.”
Dr Chakrabarti has also reissued the call to anyone who hasn’t had their first or second dose of a COVID-19 vaccination to come forward before the opportunity ends:
“There are lots of reasons why you may not have had the first two doses of a COVID-19 vaccination. Perhaps you missed an appointment, or maybe you originally said no but have changed your mind because someone you know has been seriously ill with COVID.
“It’s still not too late, but the offer will close on 30 June so if that’s you, make sure you don’t miss out.”
Eligible patients can book an appointment online at, via the NHS App, or by calling 119. There is a range of bookable and walk-in sessions on offer across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.