Inequalities Week will take place on 13-17 May and we’re running a series of webinars to share some of the work that is taking place across the system to reduce health inequalities.

Sharon Wilson, Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer, and Ron Baker, Site Officer, host a webinar on how we can better understand and work with the Gypsy and Traveller communities in BLMK. They will help explain the difference between Gypsies, Irish Travellers and Roma people and highlight some of their experiences, as laid out in the Denny Review. The webinar will focus on what we could be doing to improve the experience and access for them. Sign up here
Reverend Lloyd Denny will host a webinar on the Denny Review – a landmark report which investigates health-related inequalities in BLMK. It seeks to identify the people who experiences the greatest health inequalities and empower them to co-produce local solutions – and how we’ll make a difference in BLMK. Sign up here

Sarah Simmonds, Director of Community Health and Wellbeing at Total Wellbeing Luton hosts a webinar on health and lifestyle and how to have healthy conversations with people during everyday conversations to make every contact count and help people make improvements to their lifestyle. Sign up here