Population health management is a new approach which helps us understand people’s health and care needs and how they are likely to change in the future. It helps us to use data and expertise from local authorities, health providers, the voluntary sector and local communities in BLMK will help us to make positive changes.
It allows us to design community-focused, proactive care and deliver improvements in health and wellbeing, making best use of our collective resources. Population health management allows us to focus more clearly on the needs of the population. It helps to improve resident’s personal wellbeing and provide a healthier, happier and fairer place to live and work.
Population health management underpins all of the five Health and Care Partnership priorities. It will help:
- clinicians to better understand current and future population health needs
- deliver more proactive personalised health and care for people with long term conditions
- health and care providers focus on where they can deliver better health, care and wellbeing for residents
- improve contact between GPs and voluntary and community organisations, with joined-up support for specific patient groups
- inform the development of our Shared Health and Care Record