23 May 2024
Community Equipment Loan Service
Community equipment loan services are essential for people who need social care support at home. They help them live with more independence and dignity. NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes works in partnership with Bedford Council, Central Bedfordshire Council, Luton […]
Continuing Healthcare (CHC)
For independent health advice and support with the CHC process
Diabetes Self-referral
For self-referral to the Diabetes Prevention Programme visit
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Hub (MASH)
If you are worried a child may be suffering from harm or risk but do not believe they are in immediate danger, please share your concerns with the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Hub (MASH)
Patient Participation Groups
Patient participation groups are established by GP practices in BLMK. Please contact your GP practice to find out more about your PPG.
Primary Care Networks (PCNs)
Primary Care Networks are a group of general practices who work together within an area based on GP registered patient lists. We have 23 PCNs in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.
Safeguarding – Adults
If you are concerned about an adult with care and support needs, please report your concern to Adult Social Care
Safeguarding – Children
If you are worried a child may be suffering from harm or risk but do not believe they are in immediate danger, please share your concerns with thte Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Hub (MASH)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
To access local offers for BLMK