Previous Consultations

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Previous health and care consultations undertaken across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership.

This includes engagement that was undertaken by the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group which ceased to exist on 1 July 2022.

  • Addressing the health and care needs of children and young people

    Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board is ambitious for the health and wellbeing of the great people who live in our city, towns, villages and communities.

    We are developing a Joint Forward Plan for Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.

    The Joint Forward Plan will set out our priorities for how we will deliver the best care for our residents and how we intend to achieve our system ambition;

    ‘We want everyone in our towns, villages and communities to live a longer, healthier life’

    The guidance for developing our Joint Forward Plan advises that the plan should include how the needs of ‘children and young people (age 0 – 25)’ will be addressed. 

    Please complete the feedback form telling us what has worked well, what didn’t work well and how you think health and care services provided for children and young people could be improved.

    We would also value any insights or feedback from those who work with or provide services for children and young people.

    Feedback form - meeting the needs of children and young people

    The feedback form closed at midnight on Sunday 14 May 2023.

    Your feedback will help inform our Joint Forward Plan on how we improve existing services and identify new and better ways to deliver health and care services in the future. The plan will be published on 30 June 2023 and updated every year.

    During the Summer/ Autumn 2023 we will engage further with residents to inform further development of system plans and how we best improve services.

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  • Addressing the health and care needs of victims of abuse

    Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board is ambitious for the health and wellbeing of the great people who live in our city, towns, villages and communities.

    We are developing a Joint Forward Plan for Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.

    The Joint Forward Plan will set out our priorities for how we will deliver the best care for our residents and how we intend to achieve our system ambition;

    ‘We want everyone in our towns, villages and communities to live a longer, healthier life’

    The guidance for developing our Joint Forward Plan advises that the plan should include how the needs of ‘victims of abuse’ will be addressed. 

    Please complete the feedback form telling us what has worked well, what didn’t work well and how you think health and care services provided for people who have experienced abuse could be improved.

    We would also value any insights or feedback from those who work with or provide services for people who have experienced abuse.

    Feedback form – meeting the needs of people who have experienced abuse

    Feedback form closes on Sunday 14 May 2023.

    Your feedback will help inform our Joint Forward Plan on how we improve existing services and identify new and better ways to deliver health and care services in the future. The plan will be published on 30 June 2023 and updated every year.

    During the Summer/ Autumn 2023 we will engage further with residents to inform further development of system plans and how we best improve services.

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  • Adult Carer Strategy

    Central Bedfordshire Council consulted on proposed Adult Carers Strategy. CLOSED 3 MARCH

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  • Aligning Policies across BLMK

    This consultation closed on 21 December 2021

    BLMK CCG Policy Alignment

    At the meeting held on 29 March 2022, the Governing Body made a decision on three areas of policy alignment that had been subject to Public Consultation from 12 October 2021 to 21 December 2021.

    The three areas consulted on were specialist fertility services, gluten-free food on prescription and the Milton Keynes Pharmacy First Minor Ailment scheme.

    The decisions made in each policy area were:

    Fertility Services

    The IVF policy will be extended to offer specialist fertility services to same sex female couples, single females, trans men and non-binary people, who are currently unable to access fertility services under existing policies. The current offer of three cycles of IVF to residents in Luton will be reduced to one cycle for all eligible residents, bringing Luton into line with the rest of Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes. Responding to feedback from the consultation the Governing Body agreed that the one cycle offered will be adapted to include one fresh and three frozen embryo transfers, to increase the attempts at pregnancy, compared with the one cycle currently offered in Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes.

    Gluten-free food on prescription

    To withdraw the gluten-free bread and flour available on prescription in Luton, in line with Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes. The Governing Body however recognised increases in the cost of living and the pressures on households and agreed to make provision in the policy to allow residents who are at risk of dietary neglect to access gluten-free foods on prescription, where required.

    Milton Keynes Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Scheme

    In line with national priorities the roll out of the Community Pharmacy Consultation Scheme (CPCS) will continue with GP practices in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, in order to do this the Governing Body took the decision to withdraw the Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Scheme in Milton Keynes.  This aligns the service with the current offering in Bedfordshire and Luton. The CPCS scheme allows for referral direct from the practice to the pharmacy for patients who require a consultation for minor illness, without having to go through the GP first.


    Consultation Report

    The consultation report on the BLMK CCG Policy Alignment Consultation in now available to view. The findings of the report will be discussed at the BLMK CCG Governing Body meeting on 29 March 2022. 

    Consultation documents

    Our consultation document is available in standard, large print and easy read format, we are also able to provide it in different languages upon request.

    BLMK CCG Policy Alignment Consultation Report

    Response to Coeliac UK

    Alignment Consultation Report Appendices

    Policy Alignment Public Consultation Summary

    Consultation Document – the Case for Change

    Consultation Document – the Case for Change (large print)

    Consultation Document – the Case for Change (easy read)

    Consultation questionnaire – for printing at home

    Consultation questionnaire (large print) – for printing at home

    Consultation questionnaire (easy read) – for printing at home

    Documents relating to fertility services policy

    Specialist Fertility – Quality Impact Assessment and Equality Analysis

    Current Fertility Policies

    Documents relating to Gluten-free Prescribing Policy

    Gluten-free Prescribing – Quality Impact Assessment and Equality Analysis

    Documents referred to in the Quality Impact Assessment and Equality Analysis

    Documents relating to MK Pharmacy First

    MK Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Scheme – Quality Impact Assessment and Equality Analysis

    Documents referred to in the Quality Impact Assessment

    Poster and flyers


    Pre-engagement Comments on Consultation Documents

    BLMK CCG has taken the decision to postpone the submission of the paper on the policy alignment consultation to the Governing Body. Many clinicians involved in the consultation have been deployed to the Omicron Covid effort in the last few months. They have therefore not had the opportunity to review the results of the consultation, and adequate time to consider the recommendation to the Governing Body.

    The original timeline was for a decision to have been made by April 2022, in line with the BLMK ICS transition to an Integrated Care Board (ICB). As the establishment of ICB’s has been delayed nationally until 1 July, we have more time to ensure final recommendations have been well considered.

    The final paper and recommendations will now be on the agenda for the Governing Body meeting on the 29 March 2022. New policies will be finalised in time for the creation of the ICB on the 1 July 2022.

    This consultation is about aligning policies across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.

    In 2021 the three former Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes merged to become one organisation.  Most of the existing policies for each area were very similar, however the three policies below had clear differences. In order to provide equal access to services we need to move to a single policy for each service.

    The Case for Change document provides information so that you can understand the differences between the policies and give your views on our proposals:

    • Fertility Services – Make Fertility service available to a broader group of residents (including those with specific protected characteristics to whom the service was not previously available) to ensure equal access to the service. This will include a review of the number of cycles of In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) available.
    • Bringing all the three former CCG areas in regarding access to:
      • Milton Keynes Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Scheme (currently only available in Milton Keynes)
      • Gluten-Free Food Prescribing (currently only access to bread and flour and only available in Luton)

    We want your views

    We really want as many people as possible to share their views and help shape our policies so there is equal access to the services we commission, and that we are using the available budget in the most appropriate way to best meet the needs of the local population.

    This consultation will run from Tuesday 12 October to midnight on Tuesday 21 December 2021.

    The consultation questionnaire can be found here

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions regarding our consultation on Aligning Policies across BLMK, you’re welcome to join one of our public engagement sessions.

    You’ll need to register in advance for the ‘virtual’ (online) session so we can send you joining instructions.  The session will take place on MS Teams.

    Please click on the link below to register your place at a virtual session.  

    Places will be allocated on a first-come basis for the virtual (online) sessions.  The number of places will be limited in order to give everyone attending an opportunity to ask their questions.    If the sessions are over-subscribed, we’ll look to add additional dates.

    Virtual meeting (online using MS Teams)

    Drop-in session at Tokko Youth Space, Luton  (registration is not required)

    • Friday 19 November, 10:30 – 12 noon at Tokko Youth Space, 7 Gordon Street, Luton  LU1 2QP  (we’ll be in the multi-purpose room)

    Please feel free to ‘drop-in’ anytime between 10:30 and 12noon to speak to a member of the program team.

    To help keep everyone safe:

    • please do not attend if you or any member of your household has Covid-19 symptoms
    • we encourage everyone to wear a mask or face-covering and use hand-sanitiser
    • we ask everyone to be respectful of others by keeping your distance
    • we encourage anyone to take a rapid lateral flow test (LFT) before attending.  A lateral flow testing is a fast and simple way to  test people who do not have the symptoms of Covid-19, but who may still be spreading the virus
  • Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Digital Strategy for Health and Care Services

    Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care System (BLMK ICS) is developing a Digital Strategy to inform how health and care services will be delivered in the future, making best use of the technology available. A Digital Strategy is a plan that explains how we will use digital services in the future. developing a strategy for digital health and care services.

    The use of technology and digital access to services was increased due to the Covid Pandemic and many of the ways people receive treatment or advice have changed and may have been supported by digital or remote services.

    It is important that the views of local people help inform this Digital Strategy.  We therefore held focus groups and ran a survey, so residents could tell us how they feel about digital health and care services, what they think works well and what barriers there may be to residents being able to access services.

    We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback.

    A full report and appendices of the findings from the engagement with residents has been produced. A summary report of the findings has also been created.

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  • The Big Conversation

    During the summer and autumn of 2023 we undertook a programme of engagement with residents called ‘The Big Conversation’. This gave residents an opportunity to share their lived experiences of health and care services, tell us what was important to them, and what could be done to help local people to stay healthy and live longer.

    Our report sets out what you told us.

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  • Bletchley Pathfinder - Calling all Bletchley residents

    Healthwatch Milton Keynes wanted to know how Bletchley’s health and care services could be better for you and your family.  They ran a survey which is part of a pilot project called the Bletchley Pathfinder.  The project will help the Health and Care Partnership understand what services and support Bletchley needs to have to:

    • Help you be healthy
    • Help support your child’s health and wellbeing
    • Help with long-term conditions

    The survey has now closed and a report of findings will be published soon.



  • Cervical Screening (Smear Test) Survey

    This survey is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who responded.

    Women and everyone with a cervix, between the ages of 25 and 64, is eligible for regular cervical screening and invited to attend their screening every three years until the age of 50, when they are invited every five years.

    Around 2,600 people are diagnosed with cervical cancer in England every year with around 690 people dying from the disease. This equates to two deaths every day.

    It is estimated that if everyone attended screening regularly, 83% of cervical cancer cases could be presented. But unfortunately, cervical screening is at a 20-year low, with 1 in 4 eligible people in the UK not attending their test with a year-on-year decline.  In fact, across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, the 25-49 age group has a lower uptake than the national average.

    To help us understand why people do not attend their cervical screening, we created a short and anonymous survey.

  • Community Diagnostic Centre Survey

    This survey is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who responded.

    Survey closed 17 November 2021


    Across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, we are working together to identify the right approach and delivery model to transform the way we provide diagnostic tests for our local population.

    These health centres will offer a number of diagnostic tests at the same time, making it much easier and quicker for people to get tested and provide faster results, meaning treatment can happen sooner and lives can be saved.

    We want to hear from local people about what services they would like to be provided at the centres. This insight will help us to improve how life-saving tests are delivered in our area.

    The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete.

    Survey closes 17th November 2021.

  • Community Pharmacy Services
    This survey is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who responded.
    Share your views on the future of your Community Pharmacy services.
    We’d like to hear from you about how your local pharmacy services can be enhanced to meet your needs, now, and in the future.
    Open until 31st March 2022
  • Community Urgent Eyecare Services (CUES)

    We ran a survey for 8 weeks which closed on 31 July 2023.

    Seeking the views of residents who have experience of using the Community Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES).

    CUES was established during the COVID pandemic to provide urgent eye care to residents, with a key emphasis on delivering care remotely. The service enables anyone needing urgent eye care to be assessed by an Optometrist by telephone or video consultation.

    The report from this survey can be viewed below together with proposals for consideration based on the survey feedback.

    CUES Survey Outcomes and Service Proposals

    Appendix 1 Resident Comments

    We then asked you what you think about our proposals we were considering (pages 20 -21) to help develop our plans.


  • Coronary Artery Treatment in BLMK

    This survey is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who responded.

    Have you had treatment to widen blocked or narrowed coronary arteries (the main blood vessels supplying the heart)?

    This could be using a balloon to open a narrowed or blocked artery and having a stent fitted, which allows blood to flow more freely, to ease symptoms of angina (chest pain) or breathlessness. It can also be an emergency procedure during a heart attack to restore blood flow.

    If you have received this treatment in the last 3 years and you live in Bedfordshire, Luton or Milton Keynes we would like to learn more about your experience.

    We are holding a number of focus groups, to register to join a focus group please visit

    The focus groups will be held on:

    Date Time
    Sat 5th March 2022 13.00 – 14:30hrs
    Tues 8th March 2022 14.30 – 16:00hrs
    Tues 8th March 2022 18.00 – 19:30hrs
    Weds 9th March 2022 10.30 – 12:00hrs
    Weds 9th March 2022 18.00 – 19:30hrs
    Thurs 10th March 2022 18.00 – 19:30hrs
  • Cycling and walking in Central Bedfordshire

    Central Bedfordshire are working on an initiative to get more people cycling and walking. The views of residents are being sought on route networks and to shape a local cycling and walking infrastructure plan.

    Some events have already taken place, but there is still time to get involved by attending events in November and December.

    • Leighton Buzzard Library Theatre (26 November 2022, 10am-2pm)
    • Houghton Regis Leisure Centre (3 December 2022, 10am-2pm)
    • Dunstable Leisure Centre (10 December 2022, 10am-2pm)

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  • Developing our Joint Forward Plan – Share your views

    The Integrated Care Board is ambitious for the health and wellbeing of the great people who live in our city, towns, villages and communities.

    We work in partnership with a diverse range of NHS organisations - hospital trusts, ambulance trusts and community and mental health service providers. Our partnership also benefits from four committed local authorities, lots of great voluntary sector organisations and our Healthwatch partners.

    We are developing a Joint Forward Plan for Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.

    The Joint Forward Plan will set out our priorities for how we will deliver the best care for our residents and how we intend to achieve our system ambition;

    ‘We want everyone in our towns, villages and communities to live a longer, healthier life’

    View the draft Joint Forward Plan.

    To help develop our plan we would like the views of our residents, your views will inform the final plan we will publish on 30 June 2023.  The plan will then be updated every year.

    During the Summer/ Autumn 2023 we will engage further with residents to inform further development of system plans and how we best improve services.

    The survey closed at midnight on Sunday 14 May 2023.

    Read more

  • Dunstable Integrated Health and Care Hub

    Please be aware that this public survey has now closed. 

    From 8 February 2019 to 7 April 2019, Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) conducted a public consultation to understand patients’ views ahead of the plans for an Integrated Health and Care Hub being developed in Dunstable.

    The full report and appendices can be found here.

    View our Summary Report here.

    The feedback from the consultation has been used in the development of the plans for the Hub.  The Hub which is a joint project, led by Central Bedfordshire Council, received planning approval in 2020 and will be developed alongside new residential accommodation for older people and is located at Court Drive, Dunstable.

  • ELFT Mental Health Inpatient Unit

    Patients and carers with lived experience of mental health are invited to work with East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) as equal partners to help shape a new-look health inpatient service for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton.

    ELFT want to build a new £75m mental health unit in Bedford and redevelop existing services in Luton. Whilst in its early stages, ELFT believe working with those who have experience of mental health is vital in modernising their inpatient care programme. 

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  • Get involved in your health care

    This survey is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who responded.

    Working with local people to design the services you and your family use has always been important to us, but the pandemic has changed everything. More people have more needs than ever before and we have an opportunity to look at the services that we provide in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes to make sure they meet the needs of you, your family and your community.

    During the pandemic we changed how we work with local people and communities. NHS organisations joined up with local councils, the Police, Fire Service, Healthwatch and the voluntary sector to reach into communities so that we could share advice and guidance and keep people safe. We want to build on that approach and strengthen relationships further, so that we can give everyone who lives in our area a voice and the opportunity to design health and care services for their communities.

    To do this however and embed this into how we work, we need to review our approach and that’s where you come in. We’d welcome your thoughts on how we access communities and embed change into NHS organisations.

    We’ve provided a case for change discussion document, and a feedback form so we can capture your views.

    Please provide your feedback before midnight Monday, 2nd May 2022.

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  • Healthwatch LGBTQIA+ survey

    Healthwatch Luton’s Survey regarding the LGBTQIA+ community and their experiences on health and care in Luton.

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  • Health Watch Luton Stakeholder Survey 2021

    Health Watch Luton is seeking experiences of health or care services delivered in Luton. Health Watch Luton is seeking experiences of health or care services delivered in Luton. 

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  • Houghton Regis - Community Leisure Centre

    Central Bedfordshire Council consulted on plans for a new community and leisure centre in Houghton Regis.

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  • ICB Constitution

    As part of our work to establish the BLMK Integrated Care System, we have started drafting the constitution for the Integrated Care Board (ICB), based on the model constitution provided by NHSEI.

    The Constitution has been updated following engagement with our system partners and the changes made from version 0.1 are clearly tracked using red text within this document. Dowload a copy of our working draft.

    Please note superscript numbers in red indicate a supporting note.  These have been left in for now for easy reference, but will be removed in the final version.  Text in black indicates a legal or policy requirement and will be retained unless agreed otherwise with NHS England.  Text in green indicates a clause which is optional.

    We would welcome your eedback, please complete the survey.

    Once feedback has been received, we will undertake a review and produce a report based on what we have heard. An updated version of the constitution will then be made available on the website for further discussion and review.

  • Luton Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 Public Consultation

    Luton Council has produced a draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment report which is out for consultation for all interested parties. The report will be published by 1 October 2022.

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  • Mount Vernon Cancer Services Review

    We are supporting the Mount Vernon Cancer Centre (MVCC) review which started in 2019 and is being led by NHS England.

    For more information about the review and to find the latest position  visit

    There is also a dedicated Facebook page about the review here

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  • Bedford Borough Council - Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029 Consultation

    Bedford Borough Council produced a draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024–2029 (the Draft Strategy) for public consultation.

    Their draft strategy set out the vision to:

    • prevent homelessness
    • increase the supply of suitable accommodation
    • provide meaningful support

    Consultation ran until15 March 2024

    Read more about the strategy and consultation.

  • MSK services

    This survey is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who responded.

    We are currently reviewing the way Musculoskeletal (MSK) services are provided across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, both in the community and the hospitals.

    MSK conditions are those affecting the bones, muscles and joints such as arthritis, frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, slipped disc, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and many more.

    To do this well, we need to hear patient experiences of the services before, during and after the pandemic.

    We want to hear about YOUR experience of the services and what YOU think could be improved in the future.

    There are two ways you can get involved in improving the way MSK services are provided:

    • SURVEY – complete the patient survey at it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete
    • PATIENT FOCUS GROUP – We will be forming a patient focus group to hear your experiences and how we can improve services – for more information please see the attached leaflet

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  • North Bedford Primary Care Hub - survey closed 20 July 2022

    Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board is working with The De Pary’s Group (TDPG) to deliver a new Primary Care Hub for their registered patients.  The development of the Hub is a key part of our primary care strategy to deliver local, high-quality healthcare services for patients, while making sure we achieve the best value for money and equity of access for our growing population.

    There is an opportunity to bring together the primary care services, including same day access appointments, delivered by the De Parys Group into a purpose designed area of the Enhanced Services Centre, which is based in the Bedford Health Village, 3 Kimbolton Road, Bedford.

    We have provided a patient engagement document, and a patient survey so we can capture the views of De Parys Group patients.Engagement documents and printed copies of the survey were also available on request from the De Parys Group practices.

    The patient engagement started on Wednesday 25 May 2022, the patient survey closed on Wednesday 20 July 2022.

    View the full patient engagement report.

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  • One BLMK CCG public survey

    This public survey has now closed. 

    We held a survey from 3 August to 13 September 2020 on our proposal to become one single NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in line with NHS England’s Long Term Plan.

    The public engagement document explains what we were proposing and why it is available.

    The findings from the survey formed part of our final submission to NHS England Improvement in October 2020 in our application to become one CCG by April 2021.

    A summary of the findings and the full report of findings is available here.

    Watch the BSL video with information about this event.

    Easy Read Survey

    Access the easy read booklet.

  • Primary Care in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes
    We invited residents across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes to join us to talk about what primary care is and how it is changing. 
    We held in-person events and an online event during March and May 2024. The in-person events were held in each local authority area and focused services in that area. We encouraged people to attend the event in the area that they live to talk about services local to them. 
    The events focused on group discussions to talk about what primary care is and how it is changing.
    We asked for views on how 24/7 primary care is provided where you live and how services could be improved.
    A report summarising the feedback shared during the listening exercise can be found in the report
    The feedback and views shared during the listening exercise can be found in the full engagement report
    The presentation slides from the workshop can be viewed here

  • Radiotherapy Services in Milton Keynes

    NHS England and NHS Improvement held a survey in 2022 asking for your views to help improve and shape Radiotherapy services for people living in and near Milton Keynes.

    The survey has now closed.


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  • Redesign of Musculoskeletal (MSK) services

    Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) ICB is planning a service re-design of Musculoskeletal (MSK) services.

    Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are those affecting the bones, muscles and joints such as arthritis, frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, slipped disc, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis

    Our aim is to design and commission services across BLMK from 2024, which:

    • provide a smoother patient journey
    • deliver the right treatment, at the right time, in the right place
    • have shorter waiting times
    • provide better support for patients throughout their journey
    • is less confusing for health professionals referring patients to the services
    • provides equal levels of service for patients across BLMK

    It is important that the views of local people help us with designing the new service.  We held focus groups during November 2022 and invited residents and patients to tell us about their experiences.  The stories that people shared, have helped us to understand how services can be improved.

    If you would like to discuss your experience of the MSK services across BLMK,  please contact us either by email:  or call 07464 517 512.

    Find out information about the focus groups.

    Read more

  • Sexual Health and Contraception Services

    Central Bedfordshire Council and Bedford Borough Council reviewed sexual health and contraception services across the boroughs to ensure the right services are being provided for local needs. This survey is now closed.

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  • Shared Health and Care Record Survey

    This survey is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who responded.

    The purpose of this survey is to make you aware of the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Shared Health and Care Record (SHCR).  Your comments are very important to us and this survey gives you the opportunity to tell us about your concerns or expectations and ask questions you may have around the SHCR.

    Closing date for responses: 31 January 2022.

    Read more about the SHCR.

  • Sport and Physical Activity Consultation, Luton Borough Council

    The vision for Luton 2040 is to ensure that everyone in the town has the opportunity to thrive and no-one has to live in poverty. Luton's Sport and Physical Activity Strategy will assist with achieving the council's vision by reducing the prevalence of physical inactivity and obesity levels, and will promote the wider health benefits associated with physical activity as well as impacting positively on reducing inequalities within the town.

    Surveys are available for residents to share their views.

    The consultation will close on 22 February 2023.

    Read more

  • Stoma Event

    We held an event on 11 May 2022 about improving stoma services across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.

    Download Event Poster

  • Working in Partnership with People and Communities

    NHS England has launched a consultation on the draft guidance for working with people and communities. This will support the new Integrated Care Boards, NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts to build effective, positive, purposeful and enduring partnerships with communities to improve services and outcomes for people. 

    It is statutory guidance and will be adopted as policy by NHS England and supports health and care organisations to meet their public involvement legal duties. It is relevant to other health and care organisations, including local governments, and builds on the work they have already done to work effectively in partnership with their communities. 

    Take part in the consultation.

    Your feedback will be used to shape the final version of the guidance.

    The consultation will run until Monday 30 May

    Read the case for change report.

    Read more

  • Your experience of healthcare during the coronavirus pandemic

    Survey – Your experience of healthcare during the coronavirus pandemic.  This survey is now closed. 

    We wanted to understand your experiences of healthcare services during the coronavirus pandemic.

    We would like to thank everyone who responded, view a copy of the report.

    This report has been shared with commissioners. The findings and the experiences respondents have shared will be used to inform the development and improvement of services as our BLMK NHS system prepares for winter 2020/2021 and further waves of the covid19 pandemic.

  • Help shape Luton’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy

    Luton Council has launched the second phase of a public consultation inviting residents to give views on the proposed Sport and Physical Activity Strategy.

    Feedback from the first phase consultation highlighted a number of barriers that were preventing residents from being active including; cost, motivation and accessibility. It also identified opportunities to help local people become more physically active such as improving safety, reducing litter and enhancing activities available in local parks and greenspaces.

    Please share your feedback before midnight Monday 4th December 2023, so the final strategy is reflective of the local community.

    Sport and Physical Activity Adults Survey-

    Sport and Physical Activity Children and Young People Survey-

     For more information, please visit-

  • Central Bedfordshire Council Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029

    Central Bedfordshire Council has a vision Adult Social Care.  The vision is 'To help people live their own lives and play a full and active part in the life of the community'.

    The Adult Social Care Strategy will cover how they plan to do that, the key priorities, how they intend to deliver these and what difference this will make for local residents.

    Have your say to the Adult Social Care Strategy.

    Consultation closed Sunday 12 May 2024.

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Parents of children who have not received all of their routine immunisations have been urged to attend a series of catch-up sessions this February half term. Dates have now been…


17 February 2025

Act to help prevent cancer during Cancer Prevention Action Week

A senior NHS doctor in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes is calling on all residents to look at their lifestyles to help reduce the chances of getting cancer, during Cancer…


14 February 2025

Look after your heart health this Valentine’s Day

Elizabeth Barrett Browning famously asked her beloved: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” but as Valentine’s Day arrives, a local NHS leader has reminded men and…


12 February 2025

NHS urges eligible people to get free RSV vaccination

NHS England has launched a new campaign to encourage uptake of free RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccinations which will be available from 10 February 2025. RSV causes common colds and…