Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse

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As a commissioning organisation, Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Integrated Care Board (ICB) have a statutory duty to ensure that all health providers, from whom we commission services (both public and independent sector), promote the welfare of children and protect vulnerable adults from abuse or the risk of abuse. This includes specific responsibilities for children in public care and for supporting the child death review process, as well as the protection of adults with care and support needs.

Effective safeguarding can only take place in partnership with other agencies.  We work with the local authorities in Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes via Local Safeguarding Boards, partnership boards and Health and Wellbeing Boards.

Access our Safeguarding Adult and Children Policy

Access our Safeguarding Contacts

Please see overview animation of the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS), this is presented by Chelle Farnan Eastern Region LPS Clinical lead for NHSE and David Pennington who both co-chair the National LPS Clinical Reference Group. The video is 11 minutes long and gives a succinct explanation of the new Liberty Protection Safeguards which will replace The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

What do I do if I am concerned about a child or young person?

If a child is in immediate danger please call the police on 999.

If you are worried that a child may be suffering from harm or is at risk of harm but you do not believe that they are in immediate danger you must share your concerns with the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Hub (MASH) which is the single point of contact for concerns regarding children and young people – see below for contact details.

Please raise the alert to the local authority where the alleged abuse took place.

Luton Borough Council
Phone: 01582 547653 (office hours) or 0300 300 8123 (out of hours).

Central Bedfordshire Council
Phone: 0300 300 8585 (office hours) or 0300 300 8123 (out of hours).

Bedford Borough Council
Phone: 01234 718700 (office hours) or 0300 300 8123 (out of hours).

Milton Keynes City Council
Phone: 01908 253169 (office hours) or 01908 265545 (out of hours).

What do I do if I am concerned about an adult with care and support needs?

If the adult is in immediate danger please call the police on 999.

If the adult you are concerned about is not in immediate danger you should report your concern to Adult Social Care (see below).

Please alert your concern to the local authority where the alleged abuse took place.

Luton Borough Council
Phone: 01582 547730/547563

Central Bedfordshire Council
Phone: 0300 300 8122
Fax: 0300 300 8239

Bedford Borough Council
Phone: 01234 276222
Fax:  01234 276076

Milton Keynes City Council
Phone: 01908 253772 (office hours) or 01908 725005 (out of hours).

BLMK ICB employ Designated Nurses for safeguarding adults, children and looked after children. We also employ named and designated doctors with a safeguarding responsibility. These roles take a professional and strategic lead on all aspects of the health service contribution and play an active role in the Safeguarding Partnership arrangements.

BLMK CCG’s Designated Professionals Safeguarding Team can be contacted (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

Click here to view a contact list for the Safeguarding Teams.

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse definitions and types

The domestic Abuse Act 2021 defines behavior of a person towards another person as domestic abuse. If they are each aged 16 or over and are personally connected to each other, and the behavior is ‘abusive’.

There are different kinds of abuse, and it can happen to anyone regardless of age, sexuality and gender, It does not matter whether the behavior consists of a single incident or a course of conduct.  However, it is always about having power and control.

  • physical or sexual abuse
  • violent or threatening behaviour
  • controlling or coercive behaviour
  • economic abuse
  • psychological and emotional abuse

How to recognise abuse and supporting yourself and others

Every situation is different, although common factors link experiences of abusive relationships. Signs you may be experiencing abuse:

Support Services

Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough:

Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership (BDAP):

website –

Email address –


Women’s Aid Luton  Support for women and children who are fleeing Domestic Abuse, providing Refuge, Resettlement and Outreach Support and a local Helpline. Access to Legal advice and Immigration Services available. 01582 391856

Luton All Women’s Centre – Charity for women run by women based in Luton. One to one support for domestic abuse and other forms of abuse and trauma 01582 416783

Milton Keynes:

MKACT offers support on our behalf to anyone who has or is suffering from fear and abuse. They can help you seek the right support from our services or support you in moving to a safer area. We urge you to seek support as quickly as you can. Telephone 0344 375 4307 (helpline available 9am-5pm)

National Support:

National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000247

Mankind Initiative – Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence Mankind 01823 334244 (Available 10am-4pm)

Men’s Advice Line – 0808 801 0327

The National LGBT+ Domestic abuse helpline 0800 999 5428

GALOP 0800 999 5428

Respect 0808 8024040

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