Update on Leighton Buzzard Outline Business Case

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Update – September 2023: Development of an Outline Business Case for additional Health and Care Services in Leighton Buzzard

The ICB has committed to providing six-weekly updates on its work with partners and residents as it takes forward the development of an Outline Business Case (OBC) for additional health and care services in Leighton Buzzard.

The development of an OBC is the process through which we consider in detail what form any additional health facility in the town could take, what services could be provided and, crucially, how such a facility could be delivered in an affordable and sustainable way. The ICB is pleased to have appointed Turner and Townsend to provide the expert technical and financial support required to undertake this process at pace, with expected completion by Spring 2024.

We are grateful to representatives of local Patient Participation Groups who made themselves available on 04 September to discuss:

  • the findings of the recent Patient Survey, for which nearly 5,400 responses were received. This included hearing insights about the diversity and capacity of existing services, and discussing the difference between the “core” services that all GP surgeries must provide to their local populations, and the “enhanced” services that they may provide;  
  • the ICB’s Feasibility Study which sets out potential options for delivering additional healthcare in Leighton Buzzard; and,
  • the development of the Outline Business Case, as part of which the ICB is currently working with local clinicians to consider the opportunities and challenges of different health and care service models. We are also working with our partners to gather and analyse technical information about the potential sites for any new facility. This work will feed into further community engagement planned in coming months.

The meeting also afforded an opportunity to clarify the Same Day Urgent Care offer available from Primary Care. This includes the 111 service which triages and offers expert advice, and through which an appointment can be booked at the patient’s surgery, where appropriate. Also discussed was the work the ICB is doing to support the growing involvement of local Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations in the delivery of local health and care services.

The Primary Care Network in Leighton Buzzard also explained their plans to maximise their recruitment of additional staff to support the capacity of local primary care services. 

The ICB remains committed to working with a full range of partners and to prioritising regular and open communications with local people. BLMK Integrated Care Board, September 2023.

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