The draft of the refreshed Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care System Green Plan is here. Please contact to receive a copy!
The draft has been built from a set of proposed commitments created in response to the recommendations from Leading for a Sustainable Health and Care seminar held on 15 November, and other engagement activities undertaken during 2024. The draft commitments can be viewed here.
To find out more about the BLMK ICS Green Plan and environmentally sustainable health and care, please view the documents below, visit our Environmental Sustainability pages, or email the ICB sustainability team at
The Sustainable Health and Care seminar
Led by Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board, the Sustainable Health and Care event on 15 November 2024 gave local leaders the opportunity to hear from prominent speakers as they developed a refreshed green plan for the region, to boost health and wellbeing for communities, deliver net zero services, and put the NHS on a more sustainable footing.
Alistair Strathern MP for Hitchin provided the keynote address at the conference. Alastair has been a champion for environmental issues throughout his career, notably as current chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Environment.
Event information is provided below, including an event summary, delegates’ comments and recommendations, as well as background, slides and case studies.
Comments and recommendations from the seminar were captured and are available below:
Seminar Information Pack
Seminar Information Pack
- Leading for Sustainability in BLMK – a burning ambition for change - event summary
- Green Leaders Rally for GroundBreaking Local Summit - pre-event press release
Seminar slide-decks:
- Seminar Slide Deck - Leading for an Environmentally Sustainable Health and Care System 15 November 2024
- Martin Baxter, Deputy CEO, IEMA - message from COP29 for BLMK - coming soon
- Dr Philip Tamuno, Head of Sustainability BartsHealth and BHRUT: Making a Difference
- Background Information Pack - Leading for an Environmentally Sustainable Health and Care System
- The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: 2023 report - Slide 5 Video
Further background:
Speaker Profiles
Speaker Profiles
Case Studies
Case Studies
Local Case Studies
Resilient Communities
- FoodConnect_2024-09_Impact Report.pdf
- NHS - Milton Keynes Green Roof Project.pdf
- Healthy and Sustainable School Travel.pdf
Care Alternatives
Working in Partnership
National Case Studies
Resilient Communities
- Healthy and Sustainable School Travel Cwm Taf Morgannwg.pdf
- Adaptation Scotland Community Climate Adaptation Routemap
Care Alternatives
- University Hospitals Dorset Green Team Impact Report 2020.pdf
- Physio referrals from care homes South Warwickshire - Impact Report.pdf
- HIV Pathway impact_report_-_northampton_green_team_competit.pdf
- Kapsulkids pharmacy GOSH - SusQI Project Report_.pdf
- IV Cannulation case study_final.pdf
- Office Based Biopsy Clinic.pdf
- Paediatric Asthma Digitally Controlled.pdf
- GOSH Impact report 2023-4.pdf
- Hywel Dda Green Team Impact Report 2022.pdf
- Reusable Tourniquets Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Impact report 2023-4.pdf
- County Durham and Darlington Sustainability Training
- Endoscopy - SusQI Project Report.pdf
- Green_Nephrology.pdf
- Optometry - SusQI Project Report.pdf
- Royal Devon and Exeter Green Team Impact Report 2018.pdf
- Syringe_case_study_0_0.pdf
- University Hospitals Southampton Green Ward Impact Report 2017-18.pdf
Working in Partnership